R Street

Single Family Residence –
Remodel and Addition
The Heights, Little Rock, Arkansas
Budget: >$50,000
Architect: Rogue Architecture
Contractor: J. Lewis Construction
Completion: Spring 2016
The Heights neighborhood near downtown Little Rock is one of a dozen historic neighborhoods filled with houses of many styles from the early 20th Century. Mostly bungalows, the homes are closely spaced and the neighborhood is an eclectic mix of middle and upper middle class families. For this project we were asked by the contractor and the owner to create architectural drawings for a contemporary addition to a home originally built in the 1920s. The client wanted to respect the historic character of the original home but create a contemporary addition that would be a complement. The resulting design is a cubed structure with parapet walls and aluminum clad windows consistent with existing design. Salvaged brick from demolition was reused in the addition as well. While this project did not require additional approvals through a historic review commission, it is an example of how creative design will blend the old and the new without sacrificing either.