We’re entering the final days of 2014 — how did you do on your New Year’s resolutions these past 11.75 months? Is there any leftover item to be carried over to 2015?
Accomplishments in 2014:
1. Licensed Architect (Florida)
2. NCARB Certified
3. Licensed Architect (Arkansas)
4. Quit my day job.
5. Launched ROGUE Architecture
I’d say 2014 was a banner year for the Russell Household. There really is only one goal that will be carried over to the new year – buy a house. It seems like a relatively easy thing compared to the stress and strain of the last year, but for an architect buying a house is incredibly challenging. We can’t yet afford to build a house so I have to find a way to look past all of the design and construction screw-ups and help my wife find something she likes that I’m willing to put up with. It should be an entertaining journey.
Moving forward after that there isn’t much in the way of “goals” or “resolutions” that I have on my heart. There are things I want to be involved in like mission trips to Guatemala, Peru and Costa Rica to help build homes and other projects for people. It may take me a little while to come up with new big things. Conquering the ARE and NCARB was such a tall order and took so much out of me and took me away from my family for so long that I’m more focused on them than anything else.
What are your resolutions? How do you feel about your own 2014? Successful? Still in progress? However you feel, use this year end as an opportunity to start fresh, make a new list and move forward.